The Guild of Keepsake posted:
"Today's Topic of the day:
Help for new small businesses.
What is the one bit of valuable advice you could give to our newest keepsake business members just starting up?
Do our members need help if you're just starting up? Then feel free to ask a question below & our little community will try our best to help answer it."
Rhian Cable Id say just dont be afraid to ask for help from those who have done it before. When starting up, you're sometimes so excited and full of ambition that small things like insurances etc can sometimes be overlooked. Always good to get some free advice off family and friends who've been there done that Homewood Style xx
Michelle Dickie Use google docs to take customer information, that way they are organised onto a manageable spreadsheet and you have all the information required when you need to contact them Your Forever Memories xx
Marie Guest-Mcallister Spread the word by social networking to get people to your website! And don't go anywhere without your business cards & leave a few wherever u go, also get some a4 laminated paper with your products on and distribute in windows round town. xx
Emma Lee I would consider myself still pretty new only being a year old. But I'd say don't give up at the first hurdle, keep working and don't be disheartened, keep bringing new designs, ALWAYS network, and interact with your customers (and potential customers) as much as possible. You are as much a selling point as your work!
Micki Willows Be legal, it's heart breaking when I've heard about successful websites being shut down because they didn't have the right certification (CE mark, food hygiene,cosmetic safety assessment) - contact your local trading standards, and register with HMRC, if you advertise your items for sale you are required to be register, even if you make a loss - good luck :o)
Lilys Patchwork Memories Be organised with your paperwork. Keep track of everything & file receipts / invoices as you go as it helps keep on top of things. Don't let those receipts build up in your wallet! :0)
Cathy Rimmington I would say be very careful of copyright. Companies are coming down hard on small business's especially Disney & hello kitty. Research if your not sure. As Pretty As a Picture x
I hope you will find our little tips useful and if you have anything to share with us please pop onto our facebook or twitter.
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